
Karl Zeiss : Currency 12" " $7 " 'Guilder' mp3 " More Info 
There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians and there are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no west.
There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only Walmart,
Microsoft, bp, and Time Warner. These are the nations of the world today . . .

Ezekiel Honig : Colorfield 3" CD " $3.50 " 'Colorfield No. 3' mp3 " More Info

Coming after the expressionism of the 1950s, Ezekiel Honig's Colorfield represents a sharp change that moves toward a more personal yet intellectual aesthetic. In 4 blended tracks, this release conjures pure, unmodulated areas of colorful audio, bright, two-dimensional space, and monumental scale. Colorfield displays a rare mastery of sonic color, not easily duplicated, nor found elsewhere.

Karl Zeiss " Compund Therapy Mix Play in Real Media " View track list
Steel Blue Desktop 04 Letters, numbers and a steel appliance make for a cooly comfortable environment.
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Red Antenna T-Shirts! Buy some! $10 for super hi-quality excitement in all sizes. We have the classic logo design, the modern soundwave look, and the 'Destroy All Cars' style.